

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Best and Worst About T1D

Do you know the worst thing about being a diabetic is? Well I'll tell you. It is NOT GETTING TO EAT WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT !!!!!!! Before I was diagnosed with T1D, I ate my favorite chips, Flamin' Hots and my favorite candy, watermelon Now & Laters. I know it wasn't the best diet, but I enjoyed them. Now, I can't even have them at all! But I know I will be able to have them again.. One day :(
But there are some good things about having T1D too. The best thing about it is that you can have your own personal food and snacks. After I had got diagnosed with diabetes, I thought to myself, there is no such thing as sugar free candy, chocolate, or drinks for me. What kind of candy is there for me? Well  that's when life as I know it turned around. I found out that there were things for me. To people with Type 1 Diabetes, there are things that are for us. Sure it's not the real stuff we used to eat, but it's for us. And sugary things are not going to stop us because we are strong and we are going to take the struggle one step at a time. 
I'm going to be posting some sugar-free things that I think are the best and the ones that I think are worst. If you have some that are your favorite, please email them to me at sugarmakesmesick@gmail.com, and I will try them and make a video about them!
You can follow me on twitter at @sugarfreestacey