

Saturday, March 1, 2014

My School PEP RALLY!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Guys!!!! Yesterday was my schools pep rally. For people who don't know what a pep rally is it is for the test we take called I.S.A.T. This was one of the BEST we had of all the pep rallys we have had. But the thing about pep rally this year was that since we have snacks for the pep rally, guess who couldn't have anything this year(in case you don't know who, IT'S ME!!!!!!!!!!!!). But I wasn't the only one who couldn't have anything. Two of the kids at my school couldn't have anything either. My friends Dashena and Brittany. But I know that this is not going to be a forever thing. Just for now. But it feels like FOREVER!!!!OMG!!!!But it's okay. I just know that I am going to be okay.
For more about me you can follow me on twitter @sugarfreestacey or email me at sugarmakesmesick@gmail.com.